We're gearing up for the 2014 St. Louis BJD Convention!
November 14-16 2014
We're pleased to announce Denis Bastien of Affordable Designs and BeJu Dolls as our Guest of Honor!
Keep checking back; we'll have our new website up and ready to go soon!
November 14-16 2014
We're pleased to announce Denis Bastien of Affordable Designs and BeJu Dolls as our Guest of Honor!
Keep checking back; we'll have our new website up and ready to go soon!
Last Minute Updates:
11/11: There are a few members saying they have not received the full list of reserved workshops available. If you would like to sign up for any of the following, please email Angela at [email protected]
If there is still space available at these workshops, you will be able to sign up when you register on site.
11/10: The corset workshop is now closed. We have a full house for that panel but you can still sign up for Charie's couture workshop and Suzi's knitting workshop. Please contact Angela to sign up for either of those at [email protected].
- Your Couture Workshop: This is a 2 part, 3 hour each workshop (Friday at 8am and Saturday at 2pm) hosted by Charie Wilson. Limited to 12.
- Top It Off - Knitted Hats for your Doll: You will need to bring AA needles for this one, hosted by Suzi Langellier. Limited to 12.
- Make Your Own BJD: Hosted by Anna. Limited to 15.
- Under the Corset: A chemise-making workshop with Heather Galer. Limit 12.
If there is still space available at these workshops, you will be able to sign up when you register on site.
11/10: The corset workshop is now closed. We have a full house for that panel but you can still sign up for Charie's couture workshop and Suzi's knitting workshop. Please contact Angela to sign up for either of those at [email protected].
Join us for the Second Annual
St. Louis Ball Jointed Doll Convention
November 15th - 17th, 2013
2013 Special Guests
Charie Wilson - website

- Renowned Doll artist
- Doll couture artist
Silverbeam's Magic - website

- 3D Printing artist
- Fantasy BJD creator
- BJD Pony creator
- Created our special convention doll
Designs accessories through 3D printing, too!
Official Convention Doll - Impling!
Aimee of Seed Dolls - website

You may know her as "Armelia"
Official Convention Head - 1/4 scale Peabody!
- BJD Artist
- Creator of "Inkling" (pictured), Starling (coming soon)
- Creating a special edition doll head for this convention!
Official Convention Head - 1/4 scale Peabody!